By using this site - particularly to download any supplied software - it is implied that you have read and agreed to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not use this site.
The software available on this site has been tested on HP-UX 11i systems only - any other systems are not supported. Although all software has been tested, it cannot be guaranteed to function 100% correctly. All software on this site is free to download and almost every package has accompanying source code (the one and only exception is the tusc package, whose "source" package actually contains binaries).
Because the only changes made during porting of packages are to compile it under HP-UX 11i (i.e. no functional changes are made), this site is not liable for any issues with the software downloaded. Any such liability lies with the original authors of the software and, of course, the software concerned may also have a no liability clause itself.
This site reserves the right to block any external numeric IP where unreasonable activity is detected, which includes (but isn't limited to) excessive Web or FTP requests or attempts to craft Web or FTP requests as an exploit.