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 LIFE(1)                                                             LIFE(1)

      life - run and edit objects in Conway's Game of Life

      life [-v] [-t] [-g] [-f font] [-s scale] [-a algorithm] [-l libdir] ...
      [-i initfile] ... [filename] ...

      If you do not know what the Game of Life is, then see the appendix at
      the end.  Except in that appendix, the remainder of this document
      assumes that you know the rules and terms of the game.

      This program plays the Game of Life on a very large board using sparse
      matrices or quadcells.  The memory requirements depend on the total
      number of live cells of the object, and not on their locality.
      Therefore Life objects which cover a very large area can be
      manipulated.  The time needed to compute generations depends on the
      number of live cells, not on the area covered by an object.

      The program is normally run under X11 with a view many hundreds of
      cells wide and high using individual pixels.  However, it can also run
      on normal terminals using text characters, but with much reduced
      functionality.  For terminal use, terms such as 'window' need to be
      interpreted loosely to make sense for the terminal screen.

      The program is able to display multiple Life objects in multiple
      windows.  A window can only display one object at a time.  However,
      the same object can be displayed in multiple windows.  This allows
      different views of the object to be seen.

      Note that this program is designed for its editing and viewing
      capabilities, not for its raw speed.  It contains commands to extract
      parts of objects, to manipulate multiple objects, and to recombine
      them again.  To simply compute lots of generations quickly, use a
      program such as xlife or golly.

      Try the following demo to see how the program works.  This demo only
      shows a few of the available features.

      Start the program by typing 'life'.  Notice that there is a text line
      at the top of the window, and a cursor in the middle of the window.

      Type the letters 'h', 'j', 'k', and 'l' to move the cursor around.
      (Under X11, you can also use the arrow keys and can also use the mouse
      to set the cursor position.)

      Type the letter 't' to toggle the state of the current cell.  Use it

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      and the movement commands to build up an object to run.

      Type the letter 'G' to start running generations.

      Type the letters 'H', 'J', 'K', and 'L' to shift the view of the
      object, whether or not it is running.

      Type the letter 'g' to stop the running of the object, or if it is
      already stopped, to run it for one more generation.

      If the object has grown beyond the visible area, type 'S' to
      automatically scale the view to see the whole object.

      Type the 's' command to turn off autoscaling, and also to center the
      view around the current cursor position.

      Stop the running of the object, position the cursor on a live cell
      which is part of a large piece of the object, and type the sequence
      'dd' to delete that piece.

      Move the cursor somewhere else and then type 'p' to reinsert the
      deleted piece at the new location.

      Type the sequence ';zero' and a return to clear the object.  Notice
      that this only works if generations are not being run.

      Finally, type the sequence ';quit' and a return to leave the program.

      Each window is divided up into two different areas.  The top area of
      the window contains a line of text which is used for several purposes.
      The remainder of the window is used for displaying of a Life object.

      The text normally displayed on the top line is a status message which
      shows information about the currently displayed Life object along with
      some state of the program.  It is displayed unless a command line or
      error text is displayed.  While a command line is being entered, the
      text line shows the command line as it is typed and is removed when
      the command line is completed.  If an error occurs, the error message
      is displayed in the text line and remains until another key is typed.

      It is possible to disable the text display area, so that the whole
      window consists of just the view of a Life object.

      The view of a Life object is a window into an very large Life
      universe.  Each object maintains a cursor which always represents the
      location of interest.  Normally, the view is shifted as necessary to
      keep the cursor's location visible within the window.  If the cursor
      location is within the window, it is drawn so that the user can see
      its location.  There are many commands which move the cursor, and

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      these will implicitly reposition the view when the cursor tries to
      move out of the view.

      Besides the Life cells themselves, there are several other things that
      can be visible in the window.  Some cells can be selected for some
      purpose, and the selected cells are shown differently than the normal
      cells.  Cells which have died or which are newly born can be shown.  A
      grid can be added to help determine distances within the Life object.
      Outlines can be drawn showing the areas visible within other windows.
      Finally, some line segments making up a path to be acted on can be

      When an object is large, then not all of it might be seen at once.  In
      this case, the view can be scaled up so that more of the object can be
      seen at one time.  A scale factor of 1 to 100000000 can be applied,
      which means that each pixel (or character) on the screen represents a
      square of the given size.  Obviously, details of the object are lost
      when this is done, but scaling is still useful for seeing the overall
      structure of a large object and to position the cursor within the
      object.  Scale factors which are a power of two are slightly faster to

      Under X11, representing each cell by individual pixels makes seeing or
      editing of objects difficult.  So the view can be scaled down so that
      each cell is represented by a square number of pixels.  Negative scale
      factors specify the size of the square representing a cell.  If the
      scale factor is -2, then the cells run into each other.  If the scale
      factor is -3 or smaller, then blank lines separate each cell so that
      the individual cells can be distinguished easily.  Under X11 the
      default scale factor is -15 for top level windows and -5 for

      When the output is to a terminal and the scale factor is set larger
      than one, then each position containing live cells is marked with a
      number from 1 to 9, or an asterisk.  A number is the actual count of
      live cells in the square, while an asterisk means there are 10 or more
      live cells in the square.  Negative scale factors are not allowed for

      There are two different kinds of commands to the Life program.  These
      are the character mode commands and the line mode commands.

      Character mode commands are short sequences of characters which are
      self-terminating (in the same manner as the commands to the vi
      editor).  They do not echo as they are being entered.  Until the
      character sequence is complete, it can be edited using the normal
      erase and kill characters.  When the sequence is complete, then it is

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      immediately executed.

      Character mode commands can be preceded by zero, one, or two numeric
      arguments.  These arguments are generally used as a count of how many
      times the command is to be executed.  Missing arguments are defaulted
      to 1 (with the exceptions noted in the tables while appear later).  If
      two arguments are specified, then they are separated by a comma.  So a
      character mode command can take one of the following forms:

               <cmd>   Both arguments defaulted.
           <a1><cmd>   One argument given, second is defaulted.
      <a1>,<a2><cmd>   Both arguments given.

      A numeric argument is usually an explicit number.  But it can also be
      a numeric expression enclosed within parenthesis, or else one of a set
      of special values which are described later.  For example, the command
      '(2+3)L' is the same as '5L'.

      Calculation of generations of an object can still be run while a
      character mode command is being entered.  This allows the
      repositioning of the view and the changing of scaling factors without
      having to stop calculations for an object.  However, many character
      mode commands (such as ones which change the object) are illegal while
      the object is running.

      Line mode commands begin with either a colon or a semi-colon
      character, and are terminated by an end of line character.  These
      commands are full words which can be abbreviated, followed by space
      separated arguments.  Line mode commands are echoed at the top of the
      screen as they are being entered so that editing of them is easy.

      A tab character can be used in the command name to complete it if the
      abbreviation is unique or is the start of a preferred command.

      If generations are currently being run at the time a line mode command
      is started, the calculations will be suspended until the command is

      Use the ';help' command to list all of the line mode commands.  Some
      commands are used so often that they can be abbreviated to single
      characters even when ambiguous.  These are marked with an asterisk in
      the listing.

      A command you should know before starting the Life program is ';quit'
      which quits from the program.  It can be abbreviated to just ';q'.

      Aliases can be defined for line mode commands using the ';alias'
      command.  This accepts a non-aliased command name along with possible
      arguments for that command.

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      When a later command is given which exactly matches the alias name
      then that command is replaced by the one previously defined by the
      alias.  All arguments given to the alias are appended to the arguments
      that had been defined for the alias.

      If the ';alias' command is used with no arguments then a list of the
      currently defined aliases is shown.

      Most commands (and the area being viewed) are based on the current
      cursor location.  To change the viewing region, or to point at a
      location in the object that you wish to modify, you must move the
      cursor around in the object.  To do this, you can use some character
      mode commands.  The directions for movement are based on vi, so that
      for example, 'h' moves left, 'j' moves down, 'y' moves to the upper
      left, and so on.  You can also use diagonal movement commands which
      are 'y', 'u', 'b', and 'n'.  They accept an optional preceding numeric
      argument which multiplies their movement by the given amount.  The
      amount of movement is not changed by the scaling factor.

      The movement commands when capitalized perform a shift of both the
      cursor and the viewing region together by a fraction of the screen
      size.  This is used to shift the view to see an object on the edge
      better.  The default shift factor is 5, which means to shift by 1/5 of
      the screen width or height.  The default shift factor can be changed
      by using the ';shift' command.  When shifting diagonally, movement is
      always at 45 degree angles, independent of the relative sizes of the
      width and height of the screen.

      The 'C' command moves to the closest cell in the specified set of
      cells.  (Here 'closest' is measured using the taxicab distance.)  For
      example, the 'Ca' command moves to the closest cell of the whole
      object.  This command can be used even while generations are being
      run.  The possible set of cells that can be specified is explained

      If your terminal generates the standard escape sequences for its
      cursor keys (e.g., <ESC>[A and so on) then you can also use the cursor
      keys to move left, right, up, or down.  This always works for the X11
      display.  These keys work identically to the 'h', 'l', 'k', and 'j'

      The 's' command with an argument sets the scale factor for the current
      object being viewed as desired, and centers the view on the current
      position of the cursor.  Without an argument, 's' simply centers the
      view without changing the scale factor.

      The 'S' command does auto-scaling, which selects the smallest positive
      scale factor which will enabling viewing of the whole object.  As the
      object grows, the scaling factor will be increased automatically to

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      keep the complete object in view.  Using 's' will disable auto-scaling

      The ';scales' command allows the specification of a list of scale
      values for an object which can be quickly cycled through.  With no
      arguments, the next scale in a previously specified list is used.
      This is particularly convenient when a macro for a function key is
      defined to execute the command.

      The ';zoom' command changes the view of the current object by changing
      the scale value slightly to perform a zooming action.  It accepts an
      optional argument which can be 'in' or 'out'.  If no argument is given
      then zooming out is assumed.  Zooming out changes the scale value to
      about 3/2 of its old value.  Zooming in changes the scale value to
      about 2/3 of its old value.

      The simplest commands for changing an object are 'o', 'x', and 't'.
      The 'o' command creates a live cell and moves the cursor to the right.
      The 'x' command creates a dead cell and moves the cursor to the right.
      Both of these commands can accept a numeric argument which replicates
      their action by the given amount.  As an example, the command string
      '25o' creates a row of 25 live cells.

      The 't' command toggles the current cell from dead to alive (or from
      alive to dead) without moving the cursor, and is usually the most
      convenient command to use when editing an object by hand.

      The ';mode' command sets a mode in which some of the movement commands
      described earlier automatically insert or delete cells.  This makes it
      easy to create lines of cells in any direction.  The argument is
      either 'insert', 'delete', or 'move', which may be abbreviated.  For
      example, if the mode is insert, then the command '20j' will create a
      row of 20 cells downwards.

      The Life program can edit, display, and run objects using one of two
      different algorithms.  The algorithms differ in how the cells of the
      object are stored.  Each of these algorithms has its advantages and

      The 'list' algorithm stores the cells of an object in linked lists.
      Row objects are linked together, and each row object points to a list
      of column objects linked together.

      The 'quadcell' algorithm stores the cells of an object in a tree
      structure, with each level of the tree linking to four sub-cells, and
      so on down to the individual cells.  Hashing is used so that repeated
      instances of the same structure share the same cell.  This is the

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      reason that very large objects having some regularity can be held in

      The algorithm used for new or zeroed objects can be defaulted by using
      the -a command line option or the ';default algorithm' command.  The
      algorithm can later be changed for a particular object using the
      ';algorithm' command.

      If an object is very large (e.g., containing millions of cells), then
      the algorithm cannot be changed from the quadcell algorithm since that
      would use too much memory.

      There is a bit of overhead in running the quadcell algorithm, so for
      running single generations of small objects the list algorithm is
      normally faster.  However, when running huge objects or jumping by
      many generations at a time, the quadcell algorithm becomes superior.

      To compute generations, use the 'g' or 'G' commands.  The 'g' command
      computes a single generation of the current object, or as many more
      generations as is specified in its preceding argument.  The 'G'
      command simply means run for an infinite number of generations.  If
      the object dies or becomes stable, computations automatically stop.
      (However, loops of period 2 or greater are not detected.)

      While generations are running, and you supply an argument to the 'g'
      command, then the specified number of generations gets added to the
      ones already being computed.  On the other hand, if generations are
      running, and you use the 'g' command with NO arguments, then
      computations are stopped immediately.

      If a specified number of generations are being run, the status line
      will display the remaining number of generations to be run next to the
      generation number.

      While generations are being computed, you can use the movement and
      scaling commands to wander around the object.  But attempts to change
      the object while it is running will be rejected.  If you wish to wait
      until the indicated computations are complete before the next command
      is executed, use the ';wait' command (this is most useful inside of a
      command macro or loop).

      Normally each generation will be displayed as it is computed.  To
      speed up the computations when you don't want to see every generation,
      you can use the ';frequency' or ';jump' commands to set how often the
      screen is updated.  These two commands are incompatible with each
      other, so that using one of them disables the other.

      The ';frequency' command still causes generations to be run one at a
      time, but simply skips the displaying of them except at the specified

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      interval.  Those actions which depend on the changes of the cells of
      the object such as stop conditions and tracking work fully.
      Furthermore, commands are still processed every generation so that
      commands which can change the viewing area (such as 's') work
      immediately, causing the current generation of the object to be
      immediately displayed.

      The ';jump' command causes multiple generations to be run atomically
      in one step, without performing screen updates, checking for stop
      conditions, or command checking except at the specified interval.  Its
      advantage is that when using the quadcell algorithm for running
      generations, multiple generations can be computed very efficiently and
      quickly in many situations.  For example, a simple glider gun can be
      run in jumps of 2^20 generations about as quickly as running a single
      generation.  The work involved in jumping depends on the binary
      representation of the jumping value, with each power of two used in
      the representation taking time.  Therefore jumps which are an exact
      power of two are the most efficient.  The maximum jumping value is

      Normally the Life program displays generations as fast as the
      processor allows.  If your display is too fast to see what is going
      on, then you can use the ';delay' command to specify a wait time
      between each displayed generation.  The command accepts the number of
      milliseconds to wait between screen updates, and can range from 0 to
      60000 (one minute).  If any commands are typed while waiting is in
      progress, then that wait is aborted so that the commands can be
      executed quickly.

      You can enable tracking of dead cells and newly born cells.  When
      tracking is enabled, cells which are born in new locations are colored
      differently than other live cells, and cells which were once alive but
      which are dead are also shown.  This feature is used to follow the
      paths of gliders and spaceships, or to determine locations where an
      evolving object can be perturbed safely.  Tracked cells are created
      only by the running of generations, so that editing of an object does
      not create any tracks.

      Tracks are enabled for an object using the ';tracks' command.  They
      can be disabled using the ';tracks off' command.  Existing tracks can
      be cleared using the ';tracks clear' command.  Tracks can be forced to
      be remembered for the current live cells of an object using the
      ';tracks set' command.  Finally, the viewing of tracks can be turned
      on or off using the ';tracks visible' and 'tracks invisible' commands.
      (Using tracks but not displaying them can be useful since it is

      Tracks are implemented using the quadcell storage algorithm which
      exploits any regularity in the tracked cells.  So there is no problem
      in tracking objects such as spaceships or puffers which create large
      number of tracked cells.

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      The ';minmax' command enables or disables the tracking of the minimum
      and maximum cell counts for an object as it runs, and of the first
      generation number where these extremes occurred.  It accepts an
      argument which is one of 'begin', 'enabled', or 'disabled'.

      The variables 'mincell', 'maxcell', 'mincellGen', and 'maxcellGen' are
      used to store the results.

      The minmax tracking is valid even if the frequency value is set above
      one.  However, if jumping is used then the cell counts are only
      calculated occasionally and therefore are probably not correct.

      Turning on minmax tracking can slow down the running of generations.

      The status line for an object will include the 'minmax' phrase if
      minmax tracking is currently enabled.

      A condition can be imposed on an object that will stop the calculation
      of new generations if the condition is satisfied.  This is done using
      the ';stop' command.  It accepts an argument specifying the condition
      to be met.  The argument can be abbreviated.  Multiple stop conditions
      can be specified using separate commands.  While a condition is
      satisfied no new generations can be calculated, and this will be
      indicated in the status line.  Some conditions are expensive to
      evaluate and so the running of generations can slow down greatly.

      The "cell" condition stops calculations if the cell at the current
      location of the cursor (at the time this command was used) changes
      state, either to ON or to OFF.

      The "on-path" condition stops calculations if any cell of the object
      lies exactly on the currently defined path.  The "inside-path"
      condition stops calculations if any cell of the object lies truly
      inside of the currently defined path.  The "outside-path" condition
      stops calculations if any cell of the object lies truly outside of the
      currently defined path.

      The "gap" condition stops calculations if the minimum distance between
      the set of marked cells and the set of unmarked cells is less than or
      equal to the specified value.  The maximum gap value that can be used
      is 100.

      The "expression" condition stops calculations if the specified
      expression has a nonzero value.  The expression is re-evaluated on
      each generation.  The expression can only be 1024 characters in size.

      There are three stop conditions which have special effects.  The
      condition value of "none" clears all of the stop conditions.  The
      "disabled" condition disables the current stop conditions so that
      generations can be run, but the conditions are still remembered.  The
      "enabled" condition enables the current stop conditions again.

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      (Specifying new stop conditions also enables stopping.)

      The ';force' command can be used to run the specified number of
      generations of the current object even if stop conditions are enabled.
      If no count value is given then one generation is assumed.

      The ';zero' command clears all cells of an object and resets the
      scaling factor, cursor position, frequency, and jumping value.  It
      also clears any stop condition and causes the object to use the
      default algorithm.

      The ';copymarked name' and ';movemarked name' commands copy or move
      marked cells to another object.

      The ';advance' command takes the marked object, removes it, runs the
      Life rules for the specified number of generations, then reinserts the
      result back into the current object, marking it.

      The ';undo' command will undo the most recent change to the current
      object.  This can undo deletions, insertions, marking, paths, and
      running of generations, among other things.  It accepts an optional
      argument to undo the specified number of changes.  There is a limit of
      20 changes which can be undone.  If any undo has been performed, the
      current undo depth is displayed in the status line.  If an object is
      edited while an undo change is active, then the undo depth is cleared.

      The ';redo' command re-applies the changes that were removed by a
      previous undo.  It accepts an optional argument to redo the specified
      number of changes.  A very large argument re-applies all changes,
      resulting in the most recent version of an object.

      The life program can simultaneously handle more than one Life object.
      Each object is distinct and has its own name.  The initial object when
      you start the program is called 'main'.  You can switch between
      objects to select the one that you wish to edit or display.  The
      object currently being edited is the one which is shown in the window.
      If the object being edited is not 'main', then the object's name is
      shown in the window's status line.

      The ';edit' command switches between objects (defaulting to the
      previously edited object if no name is given).  If the object does not
      yet exist, then a new object with that name is created.  The special
      name of "." means the currently edited object, and the special name of
      ".." means the last object previously edited.  The ';objects' command
      will display data about all objects.  Normally, special objects having
      names beginning with a period will not be shown.  These will also be
      displayed if the ';objects -a' command is used.

      The ';next' command switches to the next non-reserved buffer that

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      exists.  This is very useful when many files have been read in from
      the command line so that the objects can be easily examined in

      Cells can be copied or moved between objects.  This allows you to make
      backups of an object, or split up and edit the parts of a single

      The ';copy' command copies the current object to another object.  This
      copies everything about the object, including the marks, paths, and
      the tracked cells.

      The ';backup' command copies the current object to a new object whose
      name is the concatenation of a base object name, a dash, and a small
      integer (as in the example 'fred-123').  The smallest positive integer
      is used which results in a new object name.  The command accepts an
      optional base name to be used for the new object name.  If no base
      name is specified, then the most recent base name is used again.  The
      initial base name is the single letter 'b'.  A second copy of the
      current buffer is made to the buffer whose name is the base name with
      '-last' appended to it (as in the example 'fred-last').  This command
      is useful when a series of complicated modifications is made to an
      object and you wish to save a copy of each of the modifications for
      error recovery without worrying about the names of the objects.

      The ';get' command clears the current object and then copies the
      specified object into the current object.  Everything is copied from
      the old object, including the marks, paths, tracked cells, and

      The ';insert' command inserts another object into the current object.
      This only copies the cells from the old object, and does not clear the
      current object first.  The newly inserted cells are positioned based
      on the locations of the two object's cursors.  The source object is
      shifted in order to put the two cursors in the same location, and then
      the cells are copied relative to the cursor position.

      When a new object is created or an old object is zeroed, its
      algorithm, its scaling factor, its display frequency, and its tracking
      flags are initialized to useful default values.  You can use the
      ';default' command to change these default values.  Use ';default
      algorithm' to change the algorithm used for storing and manipulating
      the cells.  Use ';default scale' to change the default scaling factor.
      Use ';default frequency' to change the default display frequency.  Use
      ';default tracks' with 'on' or 'off' to turn on or off automatic
      tracking.  These parameter names can be abbreviated.

      In those commands which accept object names, a tab character can be
      typed to perform object name recognition.  This will examine the
      object names and try to complete as much of the partial object name as
      is possible.  If a unique object name is matches, it will be completed

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      and a space added after the name.  If multiple object names match, as
      much as is common to all the matching object names is completed and a
      list of matching object names is displayed.  If no object names match,
      a beep will be sounded.

      The ';overlay' command can be used to draw another object into the
      same window as the current object.  It accepts an object name to be
      overlayed.  If no name is given, then the display of the previously
      set overlayed object is toggled on or off.  The overlayed object is
      always positioned according to the relative cursor positions of the
      two objects.  The cells of the overlayed object will not overwrite the
      live cells of the current object in the view.  This command lets you
      see where an object will be inserted by a later ';insert' command, or
      where a deleted object will be inserted by the 'p' command.  For the
      latter case, the overlay object would be '..delete'.

      A window tracks a particular location to keep it visible.  By default,
      the cursor location of the window's current object is what is tracked.
      The ';view' command sets the location which is being tracked.  It
      accepts a single (possibly abbreviated) parameter.  The parameters
      'cursor', 'origin', 'mouse', and 'self', or a single 'where' location
      letter sets the location which is tracked.  The 'cursor', 'origin' and
      where location parameters track the specified locations of the current
      object.  The 'mouse' parameter tracks the mouse's location while a
      button is pressed.  The 'self' parameter tracks the window contents
      itself, and is thus another way of tracking nothing.

      Note: If the window view is shifted manually (e.g., using 'H', 'J',
      'K', 'L', etc.), then the tracking is temporarily disabled (except
      when tracking the cursor).  In this state, the status line displays
      the phrase 'shifted'.  This lets you move the view around in the
      window without interference.  Typing the 's' command to recenter the
      view will let tracking occur again.

      There are several ways that a window's view can be repositioned in
      order to make a tracked location viewable.  By default, the view is
      shifted to make the location visible.  The ';positioning' command sets
      the manner in which the positioning is done.  It accepts a (possibly
      abbreviated) parameter.  The parameters 'shift', 'center', and 'shift'
      set the method by which the location's view is maintained.  The
      'center' parameter keeps the location centered in the window.  The
      'scale' parameter will increase the scale in order to make the
      location visible.

      When a window is shifted to make a tracked location viewable, a margin
      around the tracked location can be applied.  Using a margin means that
      when the cursor is moved cell by cell off the edge of the window, then
      the view won't be redrawn every movement.  Instead, the view shifts
      when needed so that the cursor is away from the edge by the margin

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      size, thus reducing the number of redraws.  The default margin size is
      0.  The ';margin' command is used to set the margin.  It accepts a
      value from 0 to 100.  This value is a percentage of the radius of the
      window (that is, the percentage of the distance from the center of the
      window to each edge).

      Normally, there is a status line at the top of a window.  The status
      can be disabled or redirected to the parent window of a sub-window.
      In either of these two cases, the status line in this window is
      removed leaving more room for the object's view.  The ';status'
      command is used to set the location of the status line.  It can accept
      one of the (possibly abbreviated) arguments of 'visible, 'invisible',
      or 'parent'.  If no argument is given then 'visible' is assumed.

      When you are trying to count the number of cells between two parts of
      an object, then the ';grid' command can be used to turn a grid on and
      off and to set its size.

      When a grid is shown, cells are marked (where possible) in one of two
      ways according to the position of the cell relative to the object's
      origin.  The differing marking repeats at row and column intervals set
      by the grid size.  This allows you to easily count large distances in
      the object.  Since the grid is based on the object's origin, the
      alignment of cells with respect to the grid does not change as the
      view is changed.  The default grid size is 10 cells.

      If used without any arguments, the ';grid' command toggles whether or
      not a grid is being displayed.  Otherwise it accepts one of the
      commands 'on', 'off', 'size', 'characters', 'dots', 'lines' or
      'checkerboard' to perform a specific action.  Abbreviations can be

      The ';grid on' command turns on the grid.  The ';grid off' command
      turns off the grid.  The ';grid size' command sets the size of the
      grid to the specified size.  The ';grid characters' sets the grid
      characters to the indicated values, and is only used for terminal

      For X11 output, the 'dots' grid is drawn using small dots in the
      corners of all the visible cells, whether alive or dead.  The colors
      of the dots varies according to the grid size boundaries.  The grid
      will not be displayed unless the scale factor is -3 or less, otherwise
      it would be difficult to distinguish the grid from the cells.

      For terminal output, the grid is only shown for empty cells.  The
      default grid characters are a period and a colon.  These can be
      changed using the ';grid characters' command which accepts zero, one,
      or two characters as an argument.  If no characters are specified,
      then periods and colons are used.  If only one character is specified,
      then that character is used for both cases.

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      By default the cells are drawn as solid squares.  The ';shape' command
      can be used to draw cells in alternate ways.  It accepts an (possibly
      abbreviated) argument of 'squares', 'circles', 'diamonds', 'large' or
      'small' to determine the method used to display cells.  Circles are
      only actually displayed if the scale factor is -5 or less since very
      small circles are indistinguishable from squares.  Diamonds are only
      actually displayed if the scale factor is -3 or less.

      The ';color' command sets the color of one part of the Life window.
      It accepts a type argument indicating the part of the window to be
      affected followed by the desired color.

      The type argument can be abbreviated.  It is one of 'background',
      'cell', marks, 'tracks', 'old', or 'text'.  These are for the window
      background, normal cells, marked cells, tracks of dead cells, tracks
      of live cells, or the text in the view subwindow.

      The color is either a name (possibly multi-word as in 'dark green'),
      or a hex RGB value in either of the formats '#rgb'or '#rrggbb.  For
      example, '#0c0' is a very light green.

      The ';border' command sets the size of the window border for sub-
      windows.  The default border size is 3.  The border size can be from 0
      to 20.  A border size of 0 is useful if the background color of the
      sub-window is different from its parent window.

      When the Life program is first started it only has one window.  New
      windows can be created which will show objects in the same way as the
      first window.  (Note that this cannot be done for terminal output.)

      There are two types of windows: the top-level windows and the sub-
      windows.  There are two different commands for creating these two
      window types.

      Top-level windows are seen by the window manager and treated as just
      another application window.  They can be moved, resized, raised,
      lowered, and iconified using the same actions as for other application
      windows.  This has its conveniences, but has the disadvantage that if
      two top-level windows overlap then typing or clicking on them can
      cause unwanted raising of windows.  Furthermore, the window manager
      applies its title bars on all the top-level windows, wasting some
      display area.

      Sub-windows are not seen directly by the window manager since they are
      contained entirely within top-level Life windows.  They do not have a
      window manager border, but instead have a very thin border created by
      the Life program.  They can be moved, resized, raised, lowered, or
      hidden.  These actions are performed by the Life program using special
      mouse actions.  The disadvantage of sub-windows is that they are

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      clipped by the top-level window that contains them.

      The ';window' command creates a new top-level window.  The ';subwindow
      command creates a new sub-window of the window where the command was
      invoked from.  In either case, the window is created showing the same
      object as the window where the command was invoked from.  Both
      commands accept an optional settings name which is used to initialize
      and share the window's settings (explained later).  These settings can
      be changed later.

      The size of a new window is based on a percentage of the width and
      height of either the main display or of the owning parent window.
      This size percentage can be set using the ';size' command.  The
      command accepts either 'toplevel' or 'subwindow' (which may be
      abbreviated) followed by the size percentage from 1 to 100.  The
      default values are 90 percent for top level windows and 25 percent for

      The position of a new top-level window is up to the window manager.
      The position of a new sub-window is found by trying to find an empty
      area in the owning window which doesn't cover other sub-windows.

      There is the concept of the 'current window'.  This is the window in
      which keyboard commands and mouse clicks affect.  Actions occur to the
      current window, and in particular to the current object within the
      current window.  Note that each window has its own idea of the current
      object, and also of the previous object.

      The current window is determined by the combination of the top-level
      window which is activiated by the window manager, and by that top-
      level's sub-window that the mouse is within at the time of the action.
      To type a command to a sub-window, you only have to position the mouse
      within it, and it will become the current window on the next keystroke
      or mouse click.

      The status background changes color to show whether or not the window
      is the current window.  A light grey background identifies the current
      window, whereas a dark grey background identifies the non-current
      windows.  For sub-windows, the window border also shows these colors.

      Sub-windows can be moved by dragging them using the mouse on their
      status line or on their grey borders.  They can also be moved by
      clicking them anywhere while holding down an ALT key and dragging

      Sub-windows can be resized by dragging the light green bottom right
      corner of the border.  Clicking on the status line or border using the
      left mouse button raises the sub-window with respect to the other
      sub-windows.  Clicking on the status line or border using the right
      mouse button lowers the sub-window with respect to the other sub-

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      The ';hide' command can be used to hide and unhide the sub-windows of
      a top-level window.  It has no effect on top-level windows (which you
      can use window manager actions for).  It accepts one of the parameters
      'self', 'all', or 'none'.  If no parameter is given, then 'self' is

      The ';close' command will close the window that the command was
      exected in.  If a top level window is closed, then all of its sub-
      windows are also closed.  The last top level window cannot be closed.

      It is possible to see rectangular outlines showing the areas of an
      object which other windows are also displaying.  By default, all
      outlines are disabled.  The ';outlines on' and ';outlines off'
      commands turn on and off the displaying of outlines for the window.

      It is possible for a window to disable the showing of its own outline
      in other windows.  By default, its outlines are displayable.  The
      ';outlines visible' and ';outlines invisible' commands turn on and off
      the visiblity of the window's outline in other windows.

      The ';fullscreen' command sets whether or not the current window is in
      full screen mode.  It accepts an optional parameter of 'off' or 'on'.
      If no parameter is given then the full screen mode is toggled.  While
      in full screen mode the Life window covers the entire screen, making
      the usual desktop icons, side panels, and window borders inaccessible.
      Besides being slightly larger than a maximum resized window, the
      graphics might be slightly faster since compositing might be avoided
      by the window manager.  Note that this command works by sending a
      special request to the window manager, and so a modern window manager
      is required for it to be effective.  This command does nothing when
      running on a terminal.

      Each window has a set of parameters (called settings) which determine
      the appearance of the window.  The parameters affect such things as
      the border size, whether a grid is displayed, the background color of
      the window, the shape of the cells within the window, and so on.
      There are different commands used to set the various types of settings
      values.  For example, the ';shape' command is used to change the cell
      shape setting.

      Each window has two different sets of settings values.  They are the
      private settings and the shared settings.

      The private settings are those whose values only belong to that
      window.  If other windows have a similar settings value, they must
      have been set independently.  Changing of a private settings value
      only affects that window.

      The shared settings are those values which can potentially be shared

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      with other windows.  Such settings have the same value for all windows
      which share them.  Changing of a shared settings value affects all the
      windows which share it.

      Whether a particular type of setting is private or shared for a window
      is individually settable for each type of setting.  For example, a
      window may have a private background color and yet share the cell
      shape with other windows.

      There are multiple sets of shared settings.  Each set of shared
      settings has a unique name.  There are two pre-defined shared
      settings, called '.top' and '.sub'.  Other sets of shared settings can
      be created as needed.

      By default, top-level windows initially use the '.top' shared
      settings, and sub-windows initially use the '.sub' shared settings.
      This allows the two types of windows to be initialized with different
      settings values.

      If an argument is given to the ';window' or ';subwindow' commands,
      than that argument is the name of the set of shared settings to be
      used instead of the default settings.

      The current settings values for a window can be displayed using the
      ';show' command.  This gives the name of each setting (used for other
      commands), a description of the setting, and its current value.  An
      asterisk is also present or absent at the front of each setting
      indicating whether that setting value is currently private or shared.
      The display also gives the name of the set of shared settings being
      used by the window.

      The ';private' command makes the specified list of settings values
      private to the window.  The values of the shared settings are copied
      to become the private values so that the settings values of the window
      are not changed.

      The ';shared' command makes the specified list of settings values
      shared with the current set of shared settings defined by the window.
      The window will lose the private values of the specified parameters
      and take on the values of the shared settings.

      The settings parameter names can be abbreviated.  Besides individual
      settings parameter names, the special values of 'all', 'default',
      'color', and 'grid' can be used to specify useful groups of

      The ';settings' command is used to perform a number of special actions
      on the settings values.  Its first argument is action to be performed.
      The action can be abbreviated.

      The 'default' action copies the settings from the '.top' or '.sub' set

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      of settings to the window's settings, as appropriate to the type of
      window.  The copy updates both the private and shared settings values,
      so this will affect other windows which share the same settings.

      The 'initialize' action sets the window's settings to the initial
      values for the type of window.  This will update both the private and
      the shared settings values.  Note: This action is not the same as the
      'default' action since the '.top' and '.sub' sets of settings may have
      been changed since the program was started.

      The 'load' action requires the name of an existing set set of shared
      settings, and copies the settings from that set into the window's
      settings.  This will update both the private and shared settings

      The 'merge' action requires the name of an existing set of shared
      settings, and copies only those settings values from the specified
      shared settings which are private to the window.

      The 'store' action requires the name of a new or existing set of
      shared settings, and copies all of the window's settings into that set
      of shared settings.

      The 'use' requires the name of a new or existing set of shared
      settings, and changes the window's shared settings to that set.

      The ';defaults sharedSettings' command sets the settings parameters
      which are to be shared when a new window is created.

      A very useful feature is the use of marks.  You can select any group
      of cells of an object, and handle them specially, leaving the rest of
      the cells unchanged.  For example, you can save the marked cells as a
      different object, or can move them around, or can delete them.  Marked
      cells appear differently in the display so that you can recognize
      which cells are marked.

      Each time you mark some cells, the new cells get added to the set of
      cells which were already marked.  This lets you build up the set of
      marked cells using multiple marking commands, and then act on the
      final marked set.  When you want to unmark all the cells to begin a
      new set, use the ';unmark' command.

      Marked cells are 'sticky' in that if generations are being run, then
      cells which had been marked remain marked in the new generation.
      Furthermore, new cells whose life depends on a marked cell are also
      marked in the new generation.

      Marks are set using the 'm' command, followed by a set specifier
      letter.  For example, the command 'mv' marks all of the cells which

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      are currently visible in the window.  The full list of set specifiers
      is described in detail later.

      A very advanced editing feature is the use of paths.  A path is
      composed of one or more closed loops of line segments.  The line
      segments join the centers of the cells, NOT the edges or corners of
      the cells.  Each closed loop encloses an area containing a number of
      cells.  The live cells within those areas can be operated on as a
      unit, with the usual operations being deletion or marking.  Cells
      exactly on the path are also considered to be within the area.  The
      boundary of a path can be arbitrarily complex.  The only limits on a
      path are the memory used to store it and the speed of processing it.

      If two loops overlap each other, or if one loop crosses itself, then
      the definition of what is inside the path becomes complicated.  The
      basic rule is that a cell is inside if and only if a typical line
      segment drawn from that cell out to infinity crosses the path an odd
      number of times.  This means that for two loops which have no points
      in common, then both loops enclose an area to be acted on.  But if one
      loop is enclosed by another one, then the inner loop excludes its own
      area from being acted on.

      To begin defining a path, use the 'a' command.  It adds a point to the
      path at the current cursor location, and draws a line segment from
      that point back to the previous ending point of the path (if any).
      The path being drawn is shown in green under X11.

      You use the 'A' command to close off the current loop of the path so
      that you can begin to make another disjoint loop.  This draws the
      final line segment from the first point of the loop to the last point
      of the loop.  The 'A' command has no effect if the path is already
      closed so that multiple 'A' commands in a row are harmless.

      Notice that the 'A' command is not required before using a path, since
      there is always an implied closure of a loop even if the implied last
      segment isn't visible on the screen.

      You can use the ';shorten' command to remove one or more of the final
      segments of the currently defined path.  This is useful if you have
      made an error in defining the path.  The command accepts an optional
      numeric argument giving the number of line segments to remove from the
      path.  To remove the path completely, use the ';clearpath' command.

      The defined path is used by using the letter 'p' in any of the
      commands which act on sets of cells, as described in the following
      section.  As a side effect of using the path, it is cleared to enable
      a new path to be conveniently started.

      The ';restorepath' command will restore a path that has been

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      explicitly or implicitly cleared so that you can use it again.
      Starting a new path prevents the restoration of the previous path.

      Paths can still be used when running on a terminal, but the segments
      making up the paths are not visible on the screen.

      When using paths for an object using the quadcell algorithm, there is
      a limit of 1000000 on the number of cells possibly selected by the

      A few commands act on a set of cells specified as part of the command.
      There many possible sets that can be specified.  Many of these sets
      are determined based on the cursor's current location.

      Here are the commands which act on a specified set of cells:

      d<set>     delete cells
      fr<set>    flip cells around the cursor's row
      fc<set>    flip cells around the cursor's column
      r<set>     rotate cells 90 degrees clockwise around the cursor
      m<set>     mark cells
      C<set>     move to closest live cell in the set

      The '<set>' in the above commands are one of the following letters:

      h       cells to left of cursor
      l       cells to right of cursor
      k       cells above cursor
      j       cells below cursor
      b       cells below and left of cursor
      n       cells below and right of cursor
      u       cells above and right of cursor
      y       cells above and left of cursor
      c       cell at location of cursor
      o       cells in the king-wise connected object at the cursor (same as '0')
      e       cells in the king-wise extended connected object (same as '1')
      <digit> cells connected by gaps no larger than the specified value
      p       cells inside or on the currently drawn path
      g<ch>   cells which are in group <ch>
      r<ch>   cells in rectangle determined by the cursor and another location
              (here <ch> is either '@' for the origin or a 'where' variable)
      s       cells within a selected rectangle (i.e., dragged by mouse)
      v       cells visible in window
      i       cells invisible in window (outside)
      m       cells which are marked
      a       all cells

      Here are some examples of commands used with sets.  The command 'dk'
      deletes all of the cells which are on or above the current row.  The

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      command 'fra' flips the whole object around the current row.  The
      command 'mp' marks all of the cells inside the current path,

      As an special case, repetition of the initial command letter specifies
      a set which is the same as the 'o' set specifier, which means all of
      the cells which are connected to the cell which is at the cursor's
      location.  As examples, 'dd' is the same as 'do', and 'frf' is the
      same as 'fro'.

      A few commands make use of a location within an object called the
      origin.  The origin is a location that is remembered in an object,
      independent of the current cursor location.  You can think of it as
      the location whose coordinates are (0,0).  When an object is created
      or zeroed, the cursor is positioned at the origin.  If a grid is being
      displayed for an object, the grid markings for the cells are based on
      their relative distances from the origin.

      Several commands act relative to the position of the origin.  The '\n'
      command moves to the next row and back to the column of the origin.
      The '\t' command moves to the next column which is a multiple of eight
      cells away from the origin's column.  The 'c' command moves to a
      specified row and column offset from the origin's position.  This lets
      you specify the cells of an object given their coordinate values.
      Finally, the origin is used by the 'r' set selector character, and
      determines the far corner of a rectangular region to be acted on.

      The origin does not have to remain at a fixed location in an object.
      The '@' command sets the origin to the current cursor location, so you
      can move it as required.

      The ';center' command can be used to set the actual origin of the
      object.  The object is centered within the coordinate system, and the
      values of coordinates within the object are adjusted to match.
      Centering of an object is probably a good thing to do before writing
      files out in the quadcell format.

      Besides the cursor and the origin, there are 26 other saved locations
      within an object which you can refer to.  These are the 'where'
      locations, named for the lower case letters.

      To remember a location in an object, use the 'W' command followed by a
      lower case letter.  This associates the current coordinates of the
      cursor with the specified letter.

      To return back to the remembered location, use the 'w' command
      followed by the same letter to move the cursor back to the remembered
      location.  If any arguments are given, then the cursor is offset by

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      those values.

      The 'where' locations are preserved across the running of generations
      so that you can still position back to areas of interest.

      The ';locations' command can be given to specify a set of where
      locations which are displayed on top of the cells of the view to show
      their locations, or additional data to be shown in the status line.
      In addition to the 26 lower case 'where' letters, the '@' character
      can be used so that the origin's location is shown, and the '.'
      character can be used so that the current location is shown.

      If no arguments are given then the showing of all locations is toggled
      on or off, as if the appropriate 'on' or 'off' action was specified.

      Otherwise the command accepts an action keyword (possibly
      abbreviated), possibly followed by a list of locations specified by
      one string (for example, 'abc@'), and then possibly followed by a list
      of items specified in one string.

      The actions 'on', 'off' and 'clear' take no arguments and act on the
      whole set of where locations.

      The 'on' and 'off' actions turn on or off the showing of all where
      locations, without modifying the set of items that had been specified.
      The 'clear' action turns off the showing of all where locations and in
      addition removes all items that had been set.

      The actions 'enable' and 'disable' enable or disable the showing of
      where locations for the following list of where locations.  If any
      where locations are enabled, then the showing of where locations is
      turned on.  The items that had been specified to be shown are not

      The 'add' and 'subtract' actions add or subtract the specified set of
      items to be shown for all of the specified where locations.  If an
      item is added, then the where location is also enabled, and also the
      showing of where locations is turned on.

      The items which can added or subtracted are specified by a string made
      up of one or more letters from the set 'ircfbd'.  Here 'i' shows the
      where character at its location, 'r' shows a horizontal line through
      its location, 'c' shows a vertical line through its location, 'f'
      shows a forward diagonal line through its location, 'b' shows a
      backward diagonal line through its location, and 'd' shows the
      distance from the cursor to its location in the status line.

      The distance shown in the status is the absolute value of the
      differences of the rows and columns, and the number of cells to the
      forward and backward diagonal lines.  If the current location is not
      an exact number of diagonal cells away, then the distance value shows

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      '.5' as part of the number.

      For example, the command ';locations add ab ifb' causes the 'a' and
      'b' where locations to show their id character and both diagonal lines
      through their locations.

      Locations are only shown for the X11 display.

      Command loops and macros can be defined using the '<' and '>'
      commands.  If a numeric argument is specified before the '<', then a
      loop is being defined.  If no argument is given, then a macro is being

      While defining a macro or loop, the commands you type are executed
      normally so that you can see how the definition will execute.  This is
      useful when you define a macro to create an object, since you can
      easily see how to create the object.  Loops and macros can contain
      both line mode and character mode commands.  While you are defining a
      loop or macro, the status line will indicate this and give the current
      depth of loop or macro nesting.

      If a loop is being defined, the loop is executed the number of times
      specified by the argument to the '<'.  If two arguments are specified,
      the loop runs from the first to the second argument (backwards if the
      second argument is less than the first argument).  The value of the
      loop counter is available in the loop itself by using '%' as you would
      a number.

      As an example of a loop, the command string '3,7<%o.>' inserts five
      strings of cells spaced apart by one cell, where the first string
      contains three cells, and the last string contains seven cells.

      When nesting loops, supplying an argument to '%' can obtain the loop
      counter values for the outside loops while in the inner loop.  Thus,
      '2%' obtains the loop value for the next-to-innermost loop level.

      When defining a macro, the next character after the '<' is the macro
      name to define (which must be a lower case letter, upper case letter,
      or a digit).  All of the commands between the '<' and the '>' (except
      for the macro name character) are saved.

      Once a macro has been defined, it is used by typing the ESCAPE
      character followed by the macro letter.  As an example, the command
      string '<gththtuktntj>' defines a macro named 'g' which causes a
      glider to be inserted at the current cursor position every time you
      type '<ESC>g'.

      The macros for the digits 1 to 9 are automatically bound to the
      function keys under X11.  For example, hitting the F5 key will execute

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      macro 5.

      While defining a loop or macro, you can request user intervention by
      using the ';ttyinput' command.  This will suspend the execution of the
      loop or macro and notify the user that input is desired by displaying
      'tty-input' in the status line.  The user can then execute any
      commands of his choice.  When he is ready to proceed, he uses the
      ';endinput' (or a control-D) command to continue execution where it
      had paused.  Different commands can be given by the user each time the
      loop or macro asks for terminal input.  If the command ;ttyinput -c'
      is used, terminal commands will only be asked for if there is any
      terminal input available to be read.

      Normally, the screen is not updated while a macro or loop is
      executing.  Thus a complicated command sequence can be executed
      without letting the user see what is occurring until it is finished.
      However, if you wish to update the screen in the middle of execution,
      then use the ';update' command.  Commands given by the user
      automatically do an update whenever no more user input is available.

      The ';dump' command writes out the definitions of all macros and
      button assignments so that you can read them back in later.

      When running under X11, the mouse can be used to move the cursor to
      any position within the view in a window, and can also optionally
      execute a command macro of your choice or mark the cells within an
      area dragged by the mouse.

      Mouse positioning can be reasonably used within a macro or loop
      definition since mouse events are always translated to the appropriate
      'l' and 'j' relative movement commands and executed in that form.

      When a mouse button is pressed down (without any modifier keys) a
      rectangular dragging area is started at the cell specified by the
      mouse.  While the mouse is moved with the button held down, a dragging
      rectangle is shown on the screen from the starting cell to the cell at
      the current mouse position.  When the mouse button is finally
      released, the dragging rectangle disappears and the dragging
      coordinates are saved into the current object.  If the mouse was not
      moved, then a dragging area of one cell is assumed.  If a key is typed
      while a drag is in progress, then the dragging is aborted and that key
      is ignored.

      If no command macro is assigned to the mouse button that was pressed,
      then some default actions are performed on the object when the button
      is released.  Firstly, the cursor is moved to the cell where the
      button was released.  In addition, if the drag area is larger than one
      cell and no generations are being run, then the cells within the
      dragged area are added to the current set of marks.

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      If a command macro is assigned to the mouse button, then when the
      button is released the cursor is moved to the specified cell and then
      the command macro is executed.  The cells in the dragged area are NOT
      marked in this case.  The macro can refer to the dragged area using
      the 's' set specifier, or the variables 'dminx', 'dmaxx', 'dminy', and

      The ';assign' command assigns a mouse button number to a command
      macro.  It accepts two arguments.  The first argument is a button
      number, and the second argument is a macro name.  The normal three
      mouse buttons are numbered 1 to 3.  If configured properly, the mouse
      scroll wheel will generate buttons 4 and 5.  Using a modifier key
      (such as SHIFT) with a button or scroll wheel adds five more
      possibilities numbered 6 to 10.

      With the proper command macros being defined and assigned, this lets
      you use the mouse buttons for many useful operations like toggling
      cells, deleting pieces of objects, or repositioning the view,

      A button can be unassigned using the ';assign' command without any
      macro name.  This restores the button's default action which just
      moves the cursor to the specified cell and marks dragged areas.

      The mouse's scroll wheel can be used to zoom the view of the current
      object in or out.  Each click of the scroll wheel is has the same
      effect as using the ';zoom' line mode command.

      The program provides numeric variables which you can use to control
      your commands.  Variables are used as numeric arguments to commands.
      Variables come in two kinds.  These are the user-defined single
      character variables, and a set of predefined multi-character

      There are 52 single-character variables, whose names are the lower and
      upper case letters.  All of their values are initially zero.  When
      used for a character mode command (and without the use of
      parenthesis), variable names must be preceded by a dollar sign to
      distinguish them from commands.  For example, the command '$mo'
      inserts as many live cells in a row as is contained in the value of
      variable 'm'.

      When used within an expression for a line mode command, or within a
      set of parenthesis in a character mode command, the dollar sign can be
      dropped since the parser knows to expect a variable name in these
      cases.  For example, the command ';type m' will display the value of
      variable 'm'.  Similarly, the command '(m*2)o' will set a number of
      live cells equal to twice the value of variable 'm'.

      Single character variables are set by using the ';set' command, which

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      takes a variable name followed by an expression.  For example, the
      value of variable 'e' can be tripled by using the command ';set e e *
      3'.  As a shortcut for a common operation, the '+c' character mode
      command increments variable c.  (A numeric argument can be given to
      specify an increment value other than than 1.)

      One common use of variables is inside a macro in order to execute a
      command string over and over again with only small differences each
      time (such as to vary the placement of two objects with respect to
      each other).  As an example of this, the command '<q$ao3+a>' will
      define a macro called 'q' which will insert a number of live cells in
      a row (as determined by variable 'a'), and the number of cells
      inserted increases by 3 for each use of the macro.

      The other kind of variables are the multi-character variables.  These
      are a fixed set of names, and their values represent specific things
      which are not directly modifiable.  These things are values associated
      with the current object.  For example, the 'cx' variable returns the
      absolute x coordinate of the current cursor position, and 'oy' returns
      the absolute y coordinate of the origin.  The set of variables names
      'w<ch>x' and 'w<ch>y' where ch is a lower case letter represent the x
      and y coordinates of the 'where' variables.

      You can see the complete set of variables by using the ';variables'
      command.  The variables at the top of the display are always listed no
      matter what their value is.  But the rest of the variables are only
      listed if their values are nonzero.  This applies to both the single
      character variables and the 'where' variables.  If an argument is
      given to the command then only those variables whose name contains
      that argument is shown.

      The ';type' command is useful to perform calculations on the relative
      positions of cells.  For example, to find the number of columns
      between two positions which are far apart, you can move the cursor to
      the first position, use the 'Wa' command to set the 'where' variable
      'a' to that position, and finally move the cursor to the second
      position.  Then the command ';type cx - wax' will display the number
      of columns separating the two positions.  The lastest value printed by
      the ';type' command is available for use in later expressions by using
      the '.' symbol.

      Since the parser must be able to distinguish multi-character variable
      names from command letters or single-letter variable names, you cannot
      use them in character mode commands without surrounding them with a
      pair of parenthesis.  As an example of multi-character variables used
      as an argument, the command string '((vmaxx-vminx)/2)h' shifts the
      cursor to the left by an amount equal to half of the screen width.

      The ';read filename' command reads in a command file, or else a

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      description of a Life object in either a subset of the xlife format, a
      rle format, or a quadcell format.  The read command automatically
      distinguishes these different formats depending on the data in the
      file after skipping leading empty lines or lines beginning with the
      comment sequences '#C', '#N', or '#O'.

      The tab character can be used in the ';read' command to try to perform
      filename completion.  Filename completion examines all directory names
      and all file names matching "*.l", "*.lif", "*.rle", or "*.mc" within
      the directory indicated by the filename argument, taking into account
      all of the Life library paths.  If there is only one match found, then
      it will be inserted into the command line, followed by a space if it
      is a file name, or a slash if it is a directory name.  If there are
      multiple matches, then any common leading characters are inserted into
      the command line, and a list of the matches is displayed.  Directories
      are indicated by trailing slashes.  If no matches are found, then a
      beep will be sounded.

      Command files can execute any of the Life program's commands, but
      normally contain a picture of an object to be inserted.  Thus for
      small objects, you can simply create a picture of an object in an
      editor, and then the object can be read in by the Life program.  Here
      spaces or periods represent OFF cells, and 'O, 'o', or '*' characters
      represent ON cells.  Lines beginning with '!' are ignored, so that you
      can comment your objects.  Command files must begin with any of the
      characters which are used to represent OFF or ON cells, or one of the
      '!', ':', or ';' characters.

      The xlife format is a list of coordinates of live cells which are
      generated by the well-known xlife program.  (Indirect files are not
      supported.) Files which begin with a '#' character (after leading
      blank lines and comment lines are read) are assumed to be in xlife

      The rle format is a "run-length encoded" format which is a very good
      compact storage format for objects.  It is also able to save and
      restore some of the markings of an object.  This is the smallest
      storage format for large objects, but has the disadvantage that any
      description of the object in the file must appear at the end of the
      file.  Files which begin with a 'x' character (after leading blank
      lines and comment lines are read) are assumed to be in rle format.

      The quadcell format (also known as macro-cell format) is a very good
      compact format for objects which are extrememly large, particularly if
      the object has some regularity in its structure.  This is the only
      format which can reasonably handle objects with a huge number of live
      cells (e.g., billions or even more).  Files which begin with '[M'
      (after leading blank lines and comment lines are read) are assumed to
      be in MC format.

      When reading an input file, the program looks for several different

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      file names in sequence.  It starts by looking for the file name as
      given.  Then it looks for the name with an '.l', '.lif', '.rle', or
      '.mc' extension appended.  Then, if the -l option had been used to
      specify a one or more personal libraries, then it looks in the
      specified directories for files.  Finally, it looks in
      /usr/local/games/lib/life for files.  Thus there is a standard library
      of interesting Life objects, and you can create your own Life

      When the ';read' command is used from the terminal, and has completed
      reading of the input file, then the current object is copied to the
      special "" object.  This is a convenience since after running or
      editing an object, it can be restored without having to read it in

      Instead of supplying a file name for the ';read' command to read from,
      the '-inline' option can be used to read an rle or xlife formatted
      object which follows the command in the current command file.  If an
      rle object was read, then further commands are read from the current
      command file starting from the line after the terminating '!' of the
      rle object.  This feature can be used, for example, to read multiple
      rle encoded objects into several buffers from one input file, or else
      to define a complicated birth/death rule set before reading of the
      object.  The '-inline' option can only be used within a command file.

      The ';load' command reads in an object similar to the ';read' command,
      but the object is read into a new buffer having the same name as the
      file name, modified slightly if necessary, and the view is changed to
      show that new buffer.  Multiple objects can be read in one command.

      The ';information' command displays any comments if any that were
      present in a file that has been loaded.  It accepts an object name,
      defaulting to the current object.

      The ';list' command will display a list of those files having the
      known life extensions that can be read in.  If given an argument, then
      only those path names which contain the specified string will be
      listed.  For the library directories, ';list' will show the Life files
      within several levels of subdirectories.  For example, ';list gun/'
      will list all the Life files within a directory called 'gun'.  The '-
      d' option can be given to the ';list' command to show the files with
      the life extensions in a specified directory.  If no directory is
      given, then '.' is used.

      The ';prefix' command sets or displays a path name prefix to be
      applied when reading or listing files.  This feature acts somewhat
      like a 'cd' command but still provides for the capability of searching
      through multiple library directories.

      If an argument is given, then the prefix is set to the specified path,
      otherwise the current prefix is displayed.  The prefix can be either

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      an absolute or a relative path name.  A relative prefix allows library
      searches to take place using that path.  An absolute prefix disables
      library searching so that only files in the specified path will be
      found.  Setting the prefix to '.' clears the prefix and restores the
      default behavior.

      When the ';read' command is used to read a file using a relative path
      name, the prefix is inserted at the front of the file name along with
      a slash.  This full file name is then searched for relative to the
      current directory and the list of library paths.

      When the ';list' command is used to list Life files, the prefix is
      appended to the library directories to restrict the listing to the
      files in the resulting paths.  The displayed list of file names does
      not show the prefix path.  The prefix is not applied if the -d option
      is used for the ';list' command.

      The command ';write filename' is used to save the current object to a
      file.  The file can be written in any of the pictorial, xlife, rle, or
      mc formats.  The default format is rle.  You can specify the desired
      format using one of the -picture, -xlife, -rle, or -quadcell options
      within the write command.  (These options can also be abbreviated to
      single letters.) For example, ';write -x it.l' will write the current
      object to 'it.l' in xlife format.  If an option is not used then the
      extension of the output file determines the file format.  The '.mc'
      extension selects quadcell format, whereas any other extension
      specifies rle format.

      If the object contains a large number of cells (i.e., many millions),
      then the only format which can be used is the quadcell format.  The
      writing of quadcell format is possible even if the object's algorithm
      is 'list', but it might take some time if the object is complicated.

      When writing an object to a file in the pictorial format, what is
      written is a sequence of commands which regenerates the object using
      the normal commands of the program.  The choice of commands is such
      that for small objects, the commands look like a picture of the
      object.  Thus, the object is written using the commands '.' (to move
      right), 'o' (to insert cells), and '\n' (to move to the next line).
      (Periods are used instead of spaces so that you can count the spaces
      between live cells easily.) When writing out an object, if it is very
      wide or long, the output will contain repeat counts as necessary in
      order to compress the resulting file.

      The ';write' command does not use the ';prefix' path in any way.
      Files are written using a filename exactly as specified.  Confirmation
      is required if an existing file is being overwritten.

      The rules of Life can be changed to some degree.  This allows you to

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      explore alternative Life universes.  You can specify a standard
      totalistic rule which describes how many live cells are required for a
      cell to be born, or to stay alive.  Alternatively, you can specify a
      non-totalistic rule which depends on any set of combinations of the
      nine cells which make up a neighborhood.

      To change the cells needed for birth or death, use the ';rule
      B<born>/S<live>' line mode command.  The <born> string lists those
      counts of neighbors which are required for a new cell to be born.  The
      <live> string lists those counts of neighbors which are required for
      an existing cell to stay alive.  The standard rules are thus described
      by the command ';rule B3/S23'.  For convenience, you can omit the B
      and S characters, and use a comma instead of a slash, and use lower
      case.  You can also swap the born and live rule values, as in ';rule

      To set a symmetric non-totalistic rule, any digit can be followed by
      one or more letters which indicate neighborhood types, and then can be
      followed by a dash and more letters.  The letters preceeding a dash
      restrict the neighborhoods to the specified set.  The letters
      following a dash remove the neighborhoods for the specified set.  The
      letters and their neighbood meanings were defined by Alan Helsel, and
      can be seen at his web site.  As an example of using a non-totalistic
      rule, the command ';rule b2-a/s12' specifies the 'Just Friends' rule.
      Many other Life programs (e.g., Golly) also understand these rules.

      For non-symmetric rules, you can use the ';rule' command to specify
      one or more combinations of cells in the nine-cell neighborhood.  Each
      combination defines a condition for which the central cell will be ON
      in the next generation.  The syntax for these rules is specific to
      this Life program.

      The combinations use a syntax in which the cells of the nine-cell
      neighborhood are labeled with lower case letters as follows:


      Here the central cell whose next state is being computed is identified
      by the letter 'i', and the eight neighboring cells are labeled
      clockwise around the central cell by the letters 'a' through 'h'.

      A combination consists of one or more conditions concatenated
      together.  Each condition is made up of some digits followed by some
      letters.  The letters specify a subset of the nine neighborhood cells
      shown above.  The digits specify the number of live cells to be found
      in that subset.  If multiple digits are specified, then the set of
      cells can have any of the specified numbers of live cells.  If no
      digits are specified, then the single digit of 1 is assumed.  If there
      are letters not used in a combination, then they are implicitly added

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      with a count of 0, indicating that the missing cells must be OFF.

      Multiple combinations are separated by commas.  A combination can
      optionally begin with one of the letters 'A' or 'S'.  This indicates
      that the combination is to add to the existing rule, or is to subtract
      from the existing rule.  If these letters are missing, then the
      combination follows the same adding or subtracting behavior as the
      previous combination.  The complete rule string must start with the
      'N' character.  If the first combination after the 'N' character does
      not start with 'A' or 'S', then the existing rule string is cleared
      and the combination uses the adding behavior.  By using 'A' or 'S',
      multiple ';rule' commands can be used to build up a rule set.  For
      example, the command ';rule N2abc2efg,i12hd' has the same result as
      the sequence of commands ';rule N2abc2efg' and ';rule NAi12hd'.

      As an example of using the non-symmetric rule syntax, the normal Life
      rule can be specified by using the command ';rule
      N01i3abcdefgh,i2abcdefgh'.  This means that there are two combinations
      for causing a cell to be alive in the next generation.  The first
      combination is that the central cell can be either dead or alive and
      exactly 3 of the surrounding cells must be alive.  The second
      combination is that the central cell must be alive and exactly 2 of
      the surrounding cells must be alive.

      While the program is doing something which can take a long time, such
      as computing generations, defining or executing a macro or loop, or
      writing out a large Life object, you can type the interrupt key and
      that action will be aborted at a convenient point and you will be
      returned to the top command level.

      When running under X11, remember that the interrupt key must be typed
      to the xterm which started the Life program, not in the Life window

      The following table lists all the character mode commands, arranged in
      useful categories.  These can be preceeded by one or two numeric


      SPACE   move right <arg1> cells
      l       move right <arg1> cells
      h       move left <arg1> cells
      l       move right <arg1> cells
      k       move up <arg1> cells
      j       move down <arg1> cells
      y       move upper left <arg1> cells

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      u       move upper right <arg1> cells
      b       move lower left <arg1> cells
      n       move lower right <arg1> cells
      LF      move to next row and to the column of the origin
      TAB     move to next multiple of 8 from the origin column
      @       remember current location as the origin
      c       move to location <arg1>, <arg2> relative to the origin
      C<set>  move to closest cell in the specified <set>
      W<ch>   remember current location in where variable <ch> (a-z)
      w<ch>   move to location <arg1>, <arg2> relative to where
              variable <ch> (a-z)
      /       move cursor to the next piece of the object

      --- SCREEN COMMANDS ---

      s       set viewing scale to <arg1> and center view
              (default current scale)
      S       turn on auto-scaling and center view
      H       shift view left by width*<arg1>/<arg2>
      L       shift view right by width*<arg1>/<arg2>
      K       shift view up by height*<arg1>/<arg2>
      J       shift view down by height*<arg1>/<arg2>
      Y       shift view left and up
      U       shift view right and up
      B       shift view left and down
      N       shift view right and down
      <FF>    (form feed) refresh the screen


      t       toggle cell at current location
      o       insert <arg1> cells and move cursor right
      O       insert <arg1> cells and move cursor right
      *       insert <arg1> cells and move cursor right
      x       kill <arg1> cells and move cursor right


      d<set>  delete cells described by <set>
      fr<set> flip cells around current row as described by <set>
      fc<set> flip cells around current column as described by <set>
      r<set>  rotate cells 90 degrees clockwise as described by <set>
      m<set>  mark cells as described by <set>
      p       place last deleted object at current location


      <       begin loop which executes from <arg1> to <arg2> times
              (if <arg1> given)
      <<ch>   begin definition of macro named <ch>
              (if <arg1> not given)

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      >       end loop or macro definition
      ESC<ch> execute a macro command named <ch>
      +<ch>   increment the value of the single-character variable
              <ch> by arg1


      g       compute <arg1> generations (or stop if running)
      G       compute infinite generations
      a       Add line segment to current path
      A       Close current path
      D       Set drag area relative to current cell
      z       set generation number to <arg1> (default zero)
      !       ignore characters until end of line
      #       ignore character until end of line
      ;<line> execute a line mode command
      :<line> execute a line mode command

      Arguments specified above as <arg1> and <arg2> can be any of the

      <var>   value of variable <var>, where <var> is a lower
              or upper case letter
      (expr)  an arithmetic expression containing constants,
              variables, operators, and built-in functions
      %       current loop counter value
      <num>   explicit numeric value

      The following lists all of the line mode commands.  Each of these
      commands is started with a colon or semi-colon character, and
      terminated with a new line character.  Words inside of parenthesis are
      noise words which just help explain the command syntax, and are not
      actually part of the command.  This list can be obtained using the
      ';help' command.

      advance (marked cells) expr (gens)
      algorithm (for object is) type
      alias (command) name (to) value
      assign (button) num (to macro) ch
      backup (current object to base) obj
      border (width is) width
      center (object around) location
      clearpath (from current object)
      close (current window)
      color (of) type (is) color
      copy (current object to) obj
      copymarked (cells to) obj
      destroy (object named) obj
      default param (to) expr

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      delay (between updates) expr (msec)
      dump (initialization data to) file
      edit (object named) obj
      factorize (value of) expr
      force (running) expr (gens)
      frequency (of typeout is) expr
      fullscreen (mode is) action
      get (current object from) obj
      grid (parameter) name (value) value
      hide (sub-window type) type
      information (about object) obj
      insert (cells from) obj
      invert (marks for all cells)
      jumping (of generations is) expr
      list (readable life files)
      load (object from) file ...
      locations (shown are) action locations items
      margin (around edges is) value
      minmax (action is) value
      mode (for movement)
      move (current object to) obj
      movemarked (cells to) obj
      next (object)
      objects (are listed)
      outlines (are) action
      overlay (object) obj
      positioning (method is) method
      prefix (for file paths is) path
      private (window settings are) list
      quadcell (statistics are) action
      quit (program)
      randomize (live chance) percent
      read (object from) file
      redo expr (changes)
      rename (current object to) obj
      restorepath (to current object)
      rule (for life are) born,live
      set (variable) name (to) expr
      settings (action)
      shape (for drawing cells is) shape
      shared (window settings are) list
      shift (factor for movement is) expr
      shortenpath (from current object)
      show (current window settings)
      size (for new) type (is) percentage
      status (line is) action
      stop (calculations on) condition
      subwindow (using settings) name

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      tracks (for dead cells) action
      type (value of expression) expr
      undo expr (changes)
      unmark (all cells)
      update (view to be current)
      variables (are listed) phrase
      view (location is) parameter
      wait (for computations)
      window (using settings) name
      write (current object to) file
      zero (current object)
      zoom (view) dir

      In the above, expr is an arithmetic expression, and obj is an object
      name.  Expressions can use the plus, minus, multiply, divide, modulo
      arithmetic operators, the raise to power operator, relational
      operators, arithmetic AND and OR, and parenthesis for grouping.  They
      can use integers, variables, and the built-in functions gcd, lcm, min,
      max, abs, factor, and sign.

      The program accepts options both from the command line and from the
      LIFEOPTS environment variable.  If defined, the LIFEOPTS environment
      variable contains a list of options as used on the command line.  The
      Life program processes these options first, then processes the options
      given on the command line.  If conflicting options are found, then the
      last ones specified are effective.

      Here are the possible options when starting the Life program.

      -h             Print a quick summary of the options and exit
      -v             Display the version number of the program and exit
      -t             Use terminal output
      -g             Use graphics output (X11)
      -a <algorithm> Set the default algorithm for objects
      -f <font>      Use the specified font name for graphics output
      -s <value>     Initialize the default scale to the given value
      -l <libdir>    Set another personal library directory
      -i <initfile>  Reads another file for setting macros and buttons
      <filename>     An initial object to be viewed

      The -t and -g options specify the output device for the Life program.
      Using -t uses the current terminal for output using curses.  Using -g
      uses X11, and a new full-screen sized window is opened for output.  If
      neither option is used, then graphics is assumed.  Almost all commands
      work identically between the two different modes of operation.  The
      main differences are simply the differing resolutions of the displays
      and the optional use of a mouse.

      The -a option specifies the default algorithm to use for new or zeroed

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      objects.  The argument can be 'list' or 'quadcell', with abbreviations
      allowed.  The default algorithm can be changed later using the
      'default' command.

      The -f option specifies the font name to be used when graphics is
      used.  The specified font should be a fixed-width font.  If this
      option is not specified then the fixed font is used.  This option is
      ignored if output is to the current terminal.

      The -s option specifies a scale factor to be used by default for
      displaying Life objects.  This default scale factor can be changed
      during execution of the program.

      The -l option specifies an additional library directory to be searched
      when Life objects are read in.  This directory is in addition to the
      current directory and the system library directory
      /usr/local/games/lib/life.  This option may be used up to 10 times to
      specify a number of library directories.

      The -i option specifies the filename of an initialization file which
      contains commands to configure macros and button assignments.  But the
      file can actually execute any commands and so could automatically load
      some Life objects, for example.  The only restriction is that the
      initially displayed object is always cleared after this file is read.
      This option may be used up to 10 times to specify a number of
      initialization files.

      A filename without any preceeding option character is a Life object to
      be read in and initially displayed.  It is placed in a buffer whose
      name is the same as the last component of the file name, or close to
      that if there is ambiguity.  If no filename is given, then the initial
      object is empty and the buffer is 'main'.  Multiple filenames can be

      This is a short introduction to Conway's Game of Life.

      Life is played on an infinitely large board divided into squares.
      Each square is called a cell.  Each cell can be either dead or alive.
      Dead cells are seen as blanks, whereas live cells are seen as non-
      blanks.  You begin to play by choosing some arbitrary set of live and
      dead cells.  This configuration is called generation 0.

      There is a set of rules which transforms this set of cells into
      another set of cells, called generation 1.  These same rules are then
      reapplied to generation 1 to produce generation 2.  This process
      continues indefinitely.

      The 'purpose' of the game is to find starting patterns such that
      'interesting things' result.

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 LIFE(1)                                                             LIFE(1)

      The rules which are applied are as follows.  Take any cell of a
      generation, and call it the current cell.  Consider the eight cells
      immediately adjacent to the current cell.  Count the number of these
      eight cells which are alive.  If the current cell is dead and the
      count is 3, then the current cell changes to a live cell in the next
      generation.  If the current cell is alive and the count is NOT 2 or 3,
      then the current cell changes to a dead cell in the next generation.
      Otherwise the cell remains unchanged in the next generation.  This
      rule is applied to every cell of a generation SIMULTANEOUSLY.  Thus to
      rephrase, 3 live neighbors causes a new cell to be born, whereas 2 or
      3 live neighbors keeps a cell alive.

      To see how these rules work in practice, run the program and start
      with some number of live cells in some arrangement, and watch the
      generations change.  If you can predict what the changes will be, then
      you understand the rules.

      The following are some objects to try, along with some descriptive
      names.  Warning: the last example gets complicated!
           O          O                  O             O          OO
           O         OO       OO         OO             O          OO
           O         O         O         O            OOO          O
        blinker   beehive   block   traffic lights   glider   r-pentomino

      David I. Bell
      21 April 2024

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