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Networking/Misc Category

This category holds programs which deal specifically with networking. This includes Ethernet/Internet software and also Macintosh to UNIX interfacing too. Some packages require the installation of others in this directory (e.g. idlookup is more useful if you have pidentd).

Package Name Description
BitchX-1.0c19An advanced Internet Relay Chat client
alevt-1.6.2A Teletext and Videotext decoder
archie-1.4.1A client to query the archie databases
argus-2.0.4The audit record generation and utilisation system
beepage-1.0A unix, Internet aware implementation of TAP
blackened-1.8.1Blackened is based on the irc11 chat client
bsplit-2.02Split binary file into nnn-byte pieces
c_ares-1.16.1An asynchronous resolver library
c_ares-1.34.4An asynchronous resolver library
c_ares-1.4.0An asynchronous resolver library
cadaver-0.23.3A command line WebDAV client for Unix
cgiwrap-3.7.1Improved security for CGI scripting
daq-2.0.1Data Acquisition library for packet I/O
daq-2.0.6Data Acquisition library for packet I/O
daq-2.0.7Data Acquisition library for packet I/O
dtm-2.36The Data Transfer Mechanism
dxpc-3.9.2This is a Differential X Protocol Compressor
efax-0.9Small prog to send and receives faxes
gcs-1.7Generic Chat System
gopher-3.0.4A gopher distributed document delivery server
greed-0.81An FTP client
host-99.15.29Query nameserver about domain names and zones
icb-5.0.8A teleconferencing system for realtime online discussions
insetlib-0.2Library to aid displaying application data
k_edit-1.3An ICE emulator plus k EDIT libs
koalatalk-1.73Koalatalk is an ICE-based message bus system
libdnet-1.12Portable interface to several low-level networking routines
libdnet-1.18.0Portable interface to several low-level networking routines
libhtmlparse-0.1.9A HTML parsing library
lwho-2.01An NFS-based superior low-cost replacement for rwho
mini_httpd-1.15bSmall HTTP server
mtr-0.82A network diagnostic tool combining ping and traceroute
mtr-0.87A network diagnostic tool combining ping and traceroute
napster-0.302A napster client based on the gtk library
ngrep-1.45A grep tool for searching the network layer
ngrep-1.47A grep tool for searching the network layer
nss-3.15.2Network Security Services (NSS) libraries
nss-3.31Network Security Services (NSS) libraries
nss-3.36.8Network Security Services (NSS) libraries
nss-3.73.1Network Security Services (NSS) libraries
openldap-2.4.38Client-server protocol for accessing a directory service
openldap-2.4.45Client-server protocol for accessing a directory service
openldap-2.4.54Client-server protocol for accessing a directory service
openldap-2.6.8Client-server protocol for accessing a directory service
openldap-2.6.9Client-server protocol for accessing a directory service
opennap-0.45The open source napster server
ping-99.10Send ICMP ECHO request packets to network hosts
radio-2.0.4Receive audio UDP packets transmitted by broadcast
rdesktop-1.8.1A client for Windows NT Terminal Server
rdesktop-1.8.3A client for Windows NT Terminal Server
samba-3.0.10The Samba SMB protocol for unix systems
scoreboard-0.8A Cricket scoreboard for linux
slirp-1.0.16A TCP/IP emulator for SLIP/PPP telnet connections
sock-1.1An interface for network sockets
socket_poll-1.0.1A socket library
sscript-1.16A simple scripting language to access sockets
ssh_askpass-1.2.0X passphrase dialog for use with OpenSSH
tcputils-0.6.2A small TCP/IP function library for C programmers
ubh-1.1The Usenet Binary Harvester
w3m-0.5.3A pager with WWW browsing capability
webbase-5.9.0A crawler for the internet
x2vnc-1.7.2A dual-screen hack
xppp-1.0A Motif interface to your IP connection
xt-1.2XC is a massive expansion and modification of XCOMM
yaps-0.96Sends text messages to remote paging devices
ytalk-3.1.1A multi-user chat program